Hello Alert authorized to install Nassau/Suffolk Interop Uplink

Transmit Plus has authorized Hello Alert to connect its customers to the Nassau/Suffolk Interoperability Uplink.

The Nassau/Suffolk Interoperability Uplink is a communications network running down the center of the island from Manhattan to Montauk. This link allows any agency connected to speak to other participating agencies via phone or radio. IP telephones will accompany connection to the link, providing a means of voice communications in the event that any one agency loses their local phone lines. As an added layer of redundancy, a UHF frequency will be incorporated with repeaters at multiple sites on Long Island, giving agencies the unparalleled ability to speak “hip-to-hip” with any other participating entity. This creates a new mutual aid communications avenue allowing multiple agencies to communicate using one common channel.

For participating agencies with VoIP radio consoles, neighboring departments are able to leverage each others radio endpoints. This makes mutual aid activation simple and reliable.

Along with voice communications, the Uplink will also provide a means of transmitting incident data. Agencies participating will receive a connection to local EOCs, providing call data for surrounding areas and simplifying multi-agency incident management.

For more information, please contact feel free to contact us.